Friday, July 30, 2010

About loneliness..

Lately I've been spending a lot of time alone.
It hasn't been my choice, circumstances kind of forced it upon me.
Although I've always enjoyed my time alone, it was 'aloneness', not loneliness (the difference comes by having a say in it, choosing solitude or being chosen by it).
But I'm trying to make best out of it. I have been reading more, watching movies that I (and only I) want to see, listening the music that I (and mostly I) like; I even started drawing again!
I'm trying to spend this limbo-like lingering and waiting phase, in the most practical way, but after a while (and It's been quite a while) boredom creeps up on you. And you're not ready,you haven't been bored since the age of 10!
When you do all the things you like, everyday, all day long, you kind of get tired of it. You get bored. So,what then? What do you do when you get bored?
That's one of the things.
Then, when you're alone you have nobody to share your thoughts with. Now that sucks!! You've got no one to share your feelings nor thoughts! You are trapped in your own world, having no clue what's really going on!
Your thoughts start ganging up on you and soon you're stuck with memories and hopes and dreams and ideas and fears all mashed up in a (let's say) and they just spin around your head, all connected weirdly and repeating over and over. All of a sudden, you can't single out one thought out of hurricane of things going on in your head.
Normally - you see/hear/smell something and it evokes feelings and then thoughts. If you ponder upon them, you might get to an opinion!
But when you have nobody to share it with, it kind of just mashes up into one big ball of ideas, and feelings get toned down into one shade called 'boredom', they connect and you can't make sense out of it no more..
So you need a person to talk to.
Through interaction you get parameters (standards that define 'thought') classify them and form an opinion. You need a reminder of yourself, practically. Reminder of what you know, what you feel about it. And it comes through questions.
Weather somebody asks you a question, or you're asking yourself (evaluating impressions and so forming an opinion, unspoken) it's curiosity that is necessary. And then, the fact that you are facing someone who you have to connect to by speech also helps in extraction of opinion out of the mashed-up blob . (forming blob particles into a sentence is a specially interesting process but we're not gonna get into that right now..)
I know a lot of people wrote about significance of other peoples company, I have read some of it. This is only interpretation of what I've learned through my own experience.

On a nice day I sit on the porch

Being stuck in your head with your own thoughts, deprived of different perspective and other peoples voice,
is not fun/ny.

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